by Charles MudedeWhat city is this? RyanJLane/
As the Dems in Olympia are doing everything they can to cut dollars from Sound Transit, the GOP in Indiana is considering ending its ban on transit. Why? Because the state wants to be more attractive to Amazon, a corporation that hires a lot of young people and is looking for locations that can attract young and talented people.It's now accepted that the young people of our day dig transit. Indiana, a state sold by its dominant party (
As the Dems in Olympia are doing everything they can to cut dollars from Sound Transit, the GOP in Indiana is considering ending its ban on transit. Why? Because the state wants to be more attractive to Amazon, a corporation that hires a lot of young people and is looking for locations that can attract young and talented people.It's now accepted that the young people of our day dig transit. Indiana, a state sold by its dominant party (